1. Арестовали нашего дорогого Скиллса из ОТН:
One Tree Hill star Antwon Tanner was arrested Thursday as part of an investigation of a fake Social Security card scheme.

Tanner, who plays basketball star Antwon "Skills" Taylor on the CW drama, surrendered to prosecutors and was arraigned Thursday afternoon in Brooklyn Federal Court, a spokesperson for the U.S. Attorney's Office confirmed to TVGuide.com.

2. "Биг Бэнг" отметился на Пейли, подробности у Эддиктов, а наша Пенни будет в последней серии этого сезона "Анатомии Грей". По той же панели у Корби.

3. Фуллер про комиксы по "Пушин Дейзис":
Pushing Daisies creator Bryan Fuller has said that a comic book spin-off of the sadly demised series could be on sale via Marvel as early as this fall, should a deal with Warner Bros for the rights be closed in the next month or so. What should fans expect from the comic, which Fuller describes as Season Three of Pushing Daisies? "We're going to see a lot of exploration with Ned and his father, which we teased but were never able to make good on," Fuller told SCI FI Wire. "We had [Ned's father, played by] George Hamilton save Ned and Chuck, and by having Emerson and Dwight Dixon clean up the whole mess we're going to understand who Dwight was to Chuck and Ned's dad. Dwight will be making a return, and we'll be seeing the adult Eugene Mulchandani and Danny that involves helium smuggling. There's a lot of fun stuff woven into the series that we were intending to pay off that we can now do in the comic-book series. The fans of the show will see a lot of stuff come to fruition, but new fans will have a greater appreciation, too. Since it's Marvel, I would also love for the Pie Maker to touch Captain America."

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