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Hi guys. I was talking today to Patton Oswalt, which already makes me cool, but he said something that struck me: He said if he’s snarky as hell, everybody feels him, but if he talks honestly about things he truly loves, he’ll get flamed right off the net. Which makes a twisted sense: for what do haters hate more than love? Since I am burnt from work, I’ve decided to light a flame of my own by listing, in absolutely no order of importance, a few things that jazz me right now. Haters, start your search engines.

1) Patton Oswalt is on my f%#&ing show! I wrote a part with him in mind and now he speaketh it! Credit goes to Marti Noxon, who sent me the album with him meeting George Lucas in it, for getting him stuck in my head. And he’s rockin’ the drama. Patton. I call him that.
2) TERMINATOR gets a full season. It’s not just Summer – it’s not NOT Summer, but… this is my favorite drama on Tele-vee. Opinions are mixed, but I think they balance the human drama with the homage to my seminal cheesy eighties movie mythology with Battlestaresque panache. (On a similar note, yay to the two-season pick-up for DEXTER. Ms. Benz is among my very favorite actresses -- to work with or watch.)
3) STRIKE TV goes up. This was started by a bunch of people who talked about creating web content outside the studio system, and unlike most people, they followed through. For a time I had planned to house Dr. Horrible there, until it morphed into a separate entity, but these peeps are getting it done, and you all should check the site out. The internet is still prairie, and the cattlemen have yet to throw up their fences. Support your local farmer! (All shows on Strike TV are organically written.)
4) APOCALYPSE HOW, by Rob Kutner. This book was either much funnier or much less funny eight years ago, depending on whether “It’s funny because it’s true” applies to “The human race is doomed”. But it’s my kind of (hilariously) bleak.
5) Obama. Seriously. I know this isn’t a political forum, but this isn’t a political issue. This is an issue of making Rob Kutner’s book not come true.
6) DRUNK HISTORY part one, with Michael Cera. It’s on Funny or die, and it’s funny very much in part because it’s true.
7) HANDS HELD HIGH, off Minutes to Midnight by Linkin Park. I’m about two years behind on this one, but I’m not wrong. And it’s (sadly) not dated. Crazy power.
8) THE OFFICE. Is that show actually getting even better? What up?
9) Truffles. Food of the Gods. They’re just hypnotic. Not chocolate – the real ones.
10) HARD DAY'S NIGHT. Wow, does that movie a) invent the music video, the (watchable) reality show, modern media irony and a whole lot more and b) show that John Lennon was a ROCK STAR, and was, even in the innocent froth of early bubble-gum success, already John Lennon. Ridiculous.

Ten seems like a good number. None was probably a wiser one, but the gauntlet has been thrown, and now we can’t find the gauntlet. It’s probably in the hedges. Bye-ee! -joss.
