OMG, в Сети появились первые фотки... Убейте меня сразу.. Как теперь спать, а???? Оба в черных костюмах, хочу в хорошем качестве, желательно срочно)

Смотреть здесь в не очень хорошем качестве

И здесь с водяными знаками

И здесь смерть моя пришла окончательно


Еще с вечеринки

И еще

Интервью Дженсена и Джареда

Скрипт ТСА. Дайте видео!!!! Итак, love interest - это та самая жена Лекса Лютора, кто бы мог подумать, хм! Амбер, возможно, вернется, во всяком случае, Эрик бы хотел, с Джо все ясно - никакой любовной истории не будет, врдя ли бы по этому поводу обманывали прессу. Планы Джареда и Дженсена на лето - выспаться) Как я их понимаю!!! Ten Inch Hero пока что предлагают фестивалям, как он будет выходить в прокат - тайна, покрытая мраком, но мы надеемся. И в мае пресс-тур по Европе, как и обещали)

Цитаты вечера:

JENSEN ACKLES: Yeah. Got to get me one of those


JARED PADALECKI: You can borrow mine.

ERIC KRIPKE: We would love to bring Amber back.

There's no plans as of yet, but love the character and

would love to see her again. I'd say besides Tricia,

we're bringing -- Emmanuelle Vaugier is coming to do

an episode, episode 17, where she has lots of hot sex

with Jared.


He paid us, like, 200 bucks --

JARED PADALECKI: I did. It was Canadian.

QUESTION: How did you decide to do the one really

utterly unbelievable thing and fix the car?

ROBERT SINGER: It's "Supernatural."

QUESTION: How many cars have there been?

JENSEN ACKLES: Got to have that car.

ERIC KRIPKE: There's, like, I think -- how many

Impalas are up there?



ERIC KRIPKE: There are four. You know, it's like the

Bionic Man. It's better, stronger, faster.

JENSEN ACKLES: Absolutely.

JENSEN ACKLES: I've definitely come in contact with

people who have been big fans of -- avid fans of "The

X-Files" who are in turn fans of "Supernatural." And

I think they truly like that, you know, duo journey

that was -- you know, like you had with David and


JARED PADALECKI: He's much better looking than

Gillian. (пришла тут не только наша смерть, но и РПСников)

QUESTION: Can you guys talk about working together

and how that relationship sort of developed?

JENSEN ACKLES: Us two or --


ROBERT SINGER: They don't care about us.

JENSEN ACKLES: Him [Robert Singer] and I, we go way

back. It was something that kind of just happened

from the beginning, I think, when we met each other.

JARED PADALECKI: Yeah. I think as far as -- I think

it was pretty effortless. I don't think -- it was

probably by design of these guys. We're pretty

similar. We have similar interests and similar

hobbies, and we're both pretty laid-back guys. We

take our work very seriously. We like to work on our

characters and like to have a good time and like to

keep the mood on the set fun. And we just got -- we

just clicked. Like I've definitely worked with my

share of people -- and I'm sure he has too -- that I'm

just like, "Oh, man, I'm going to work again. I've

just got to keep my tongue in my mouth and don't say

anything that's going to come back to bite me or just

shut my mouth and do my work." But we have a great

time. We have a fantastic crew up in Vancouver, and

it's just been pretty organic.

JENSEN ACKLES: I think it's also just the common love

we share for the show. We really look out for each

other when we're working with guest directors or

whatnot. And I think that it's just that we truly

want this to be a great program. So when we're

working, if I see something that he's doing or he sees

something that I'm doing, there's this, you know, very

open relationship. We're able to talk to each other

be like, "Hey, let's do this. Let's lock this down.

Let's get this going. I think we're missing a beat

here." So it's really neat to have that relationship

with your costar.


JENSEN ACKLES: It's very rare as well.

JENSEN ACKLES: It's a full, full-time job. And we

actually have to make an effort to go do something, to go

and relax. A few weeks ago, he and I went down to

Seattle to catch the Cowboys game. We're both Cowboys

fans. That was something that we had planned, and it was

great. We had a great time, but that was our Saturday.



JENSEN ACKLES: So, you know, those Saturdays are

precious to us, and we try to make the best of them.

But, otherwise, it's lockdown, and we're trying to work

as hard as they can make us work.