Не могу не перепостить прекрасный пост Трискелос с цитатами из "Пушин Дейзис", тем более, что эта стоит у меня статусом, наверное, чаще, чем все остальное) Брайан Фуллер таки великий человек
30.09.2010 в 23:29
Day 24 - Best quoteНаверняка есть цитаты, которые меня намного сильнее впечатлили, но вряд ли найдется так, которую я чаще вспоминаю (ну, разве что про "Charlie's gay, cheers to that", но даже так это где-то 52% к 48%)))
Мистер Фуллер, предложение выгуливать собак и варить кофе все еще в силе)))
Life was good enough until one day it wasn't.
Pushing Daisies 1x01 - Pie-lette
еще немного цитат
Emerson: Well, who died instead?
Ned: It's sort of a random proximity thing.
Emerson: Bitch, I was in proximity!
Ned: This is pushing your luck.
Chuck: Yeah, well, luck pushed me first.
Ned: I hate to be a bad host, but I'm sort of exhausted from chasing your coffin.
Lily: Charlotte was a firecracker. Always trying to get us out of the house, threatened to bake antidepressants into our food. Got to the point I was scared to eat anything she cooked.
Chuck: Do you believe in reincarnation?
Emerson: Hell no. The planet's falling apart. Right now, it's the children's problem. We reincarnate, it's our problem.
Chuck: I suppose dying's as good an excuse as any to start living.
Chuck: Deedee Duffield, manager of Boutique Travel Travel Boutique. She offered me a high seas adventure at no cost. All I had to do was pick up a package.
Ned: Are you a drug mule?
Chuck: No, I'm a... monkey mule.
Emerson: You couldn't have... scooted back a little?
Ned: I didn't know she was gonna touch my cheek. Who does that?
Chuck: Actually, she does that a lot
Ned: You died for a pair of plaster monkeys?
Chuck: Deedee said they weren't worth much, their only value was sentimental.
Emerson: Those must have been some emotional monkeys.
Coroner: You the dog expert?
Ned: Uh-huh.
Coroner: We already had a dog expert.
Ned: I'm the other one.
Coroner: Mmmmmmm-hm.
Coroner: (To Chuck) You the toxicologist?
Chuck: Yes.
Coroner: (to Ned) Aren't you the dog expert?
Ned: No.
Coroner: Mmmmmm-hm. URL записи